Friday, March 31, 2023

Triggernomtry Part 1 (The Grip)

The initial grip of a revolver and trigger control are two of the most critical components of shooting accurately and safely. Whether a novice shooter or a marksman, proper grip and trigger control are essential to ensuring your shots are on target, and your firearm is handled safely.

First, let's discuss the initial grip of a revolver. You want to ensure a firm grip without squeezing too hard when gripping a revolver. Your grip should be consistent and comfortable, allowing you to maintain control of the firearm throughout the shooting process.

The best way to grip a revolver is to use a two-handed grip, with your dominant hand grasping the handle and your non-dominant hand supporting the base of the firearm. Your thumbs should be pointing forward along the revolver frame, and your fingers should be wrapped securely around the handle. The webbing of your hand between your thumb and index finger should be high on the backstrap of the revolver grip.

Once you have a solid grip on the revolver, it is essential to focus on trigger control. Trigger control is the ability to press the trigger without disturbing the alignment of the firearm, ensuring that the shot is fired accurately.

The key to proper trigger control is a smooth, steady press. Your trigger finger should be placed on the trigger with the pad of your finger, not the tip. You should be able to press the trigger straight back without pulling or pushing the firearm off-target. A common mistake is "jerking" the trigger, which can cause the firearm to move, resulting in an inaccurate shot.

To prevent jerking, you should use the natural movement of your finger to press the trigger smoothly and evenly. This means keeping your finger on the trigger until the shot is fired rather than quickly pulling your finger away once the shot is fired.

It's also essential to be aware of the trigger's reset. The reset is the distance the trigger must travel forward before being pulled again. Knowing the reset of your firearm is crucial to maintaining proper trigger control and firing accurately.

In conclusion, the initial grip of a revolver and trigger control are essential components of shooting accurately and safely. A proper grip allows you to maintain control of the firearm, while trigger control ensures that shots are fired accurately without disturbing the alignment of the firearm. Remember to use a two-handed grip, with your thumbs pointing forward and the webbing of your hand high on the backstrap of the revolver grip. Additionally, focus on using the pad of your finger to press the trigger smoothly and evenly without jerking or pulling the firearm off-target. You can become a skilled revolver shooter with practice and proper technique, consistently hitting your targets accurately and safely.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Wilson's "The Study of Administration" and the loss of Freedom


Woodrow Wilson's book "The Study of Administration," published in 1887, is considered a seminal work on public administration in the United States. In this book, Wilson argues that the U.S. government's administrative structure must be modernized and professionalized to keep pace with the country's changing needs.

Wilson believed that the traditional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances outlined in the U.S. Constitution needed to be revised to deal with the complex problems of modern society. Instead, he advocated for a strong, centralized administrative state to efficiently and effectively manage the country's affairs.

Wilson's ideas significantly impacted the development of public administration in the United States. The principles of scientific management and expertise-based decision-making that he espoused have been central to the evolution of public administration as a discipline.

Some scholars have argued that Wilson's ideas paved the way for the growth of a bureaucratic and unaccountable administrative state that has eroded constitutional limits on government power. They point to the expansion of government agencies and the delegation of legislative authority to administrative agencies as evidence of this trend.

Overall, Wilson's book remains an essential contribution to the study of public administration and the role of government in society. However, the ongoing debate over the appropriate balance between administrative expertise and democratic accountability continues to shape the evolution of public administration in the United States.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Sex Trafficking by Mexican Cartels in the USA

 Mexican cartels have expanded their operations from drug trafficking to sex trafficking in the United States. The cartels lure women from Mexico and other countries with promises of job opportunities and then force them into prostitution. These women are often physically and emotionally abused and cannot escape.

The Mexican cartels operate in all 50 states in the US, using a network of criminal organizations to smuggle women across the border and transport them to different locations for exploitation. The cartels also use coercion, blackmail, and threats to control the women and maintain their illegal operations.

Countermeasures for Women in Their Day-to-Day Routine

Women can take several steps to protect themselves from falling victim to sex trafficking by Mexican cartels. Some of these steps include:

  1. Be cautious when accepting job offers: Women should be careful when accepting them, especially if they come from someone they do not know well or if the offer seems too good to be true.

  2. Trusting your instincts: It is crucial to trust and avoid a situation that seems dangerous or feels off.

  3. Keeping personal information private: Women should be careful about sharing personal information with strangers, such as their home addresses.

  4. Travelling in groups: Women should avoid travelling alone and, instead, travel in groups for added safety and security.

  5. Seeking help: If a woman believes she is in danger or is a victim of sex trafficking, she should reach out to law enforcement or a local organization that helps traffic victims.

In conclusion, sex trafficking by Mexican cartels is a severe problem in the United States and is causing harm to countless women and their families. Women can take steps to protect themselves from falling victim to trafficking. Still, it is also crucial for law enforcement to work to dismantle these criminal organizations and bring justice to the victims.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Choice is clear: Taiwan


The United States has long been known for its ability to project power and intervene in global conflicts. This power projection is not just a tool for military might but is also necessary for maintaining free trade and the status of the World's reserve currency. However, this power projection must be measured, with clear objectives, before any US intervention occurs.

The United States can no longer engage in Wilsonsion-style Foreign Policy. Creating an American-style "manufactured" democracy in another country is a delusionary form of policy. This is because many nations do not have a concept of private property ownership, a benchmark for democratic reform and the main reason the Marshall Plan worked in post-war Germany and Japan.

Furthermore, the capital needed for adventurism is not in coffers anymore, nor was it ever. Therefore, a reasonable solution is a future presence on the high seas, heavy submarine force and only a light footprint of intervention: enough intervention to allow the United States and other countries to trade freely and no more.

When picking the ethical conflict, the United States needs to choose wisely. For example, which worldwide hot spots are currently more critical to the United States, the Ukrainians or the Taiwanese? This is a hard choice, but the answer lies in the United States' strategic interests.

The United States is the breadbasket of the World, while Ukraine is the basket of Europe only. On the other hand, Taiwan produces microchips for the World, and the United States needs them to maintain its economy. The choice is evident, considering the US Army missed its recruiting goals by thirty percent, meaning fewer new troops are in the pipeline. Ukraine's only hope at the moment is a cease-fire and brokered deal.

Promptly, the United States needs more resources in the Ukrainian theatre of war, and Europe needs more will to intervene. Ukraine is out of time. On the other hand, the force can be swiftly projected into Taiwan by the United States through US Navy assets. Therefore, the choice seems clear: Taiwan.

The United States' ability to project power is necessary for maintaining its status as the World's reserve currency and free trade. However, this projection must be measured, and objectives must be crystal clear before any US intervention occurs. The United States can no longer engage in Wilson-style foreign policy and must pick the proper conflict wisely. The choice between Ukraine and Taiwan is evident, and the United States must focus on its strategic interests to maintain its global standing.



Sunday, March 26, 2023

What concerns the average Russian?


Russia is a vast country that has been invaded numerous times throughout its history. From the Mongol invasion of the 13th century to the multinational invasion after World War I, Russia's long and rich history is littered with stories of foreign invaders wreaking havoc on its soil. These invasions have left an indelible mark on the psyche of the Russian people, and the fear of future invasions remains a dominant theme in Russian culture and politics.

One of the earliest examples of this fear of invasion can be traced back to Czar Ivan the Terrible, who ruled Russia from 1547 to 1584. During his reign, Russia was constantly threatened by neighbouring countries such as Poland and Lithuania. To protect his kingdom from invasion, Ivan built a massive fortress, St. Basil's Cathedral, which still stands today in Moscow's Red Square. Ivan's fear of invasion was not unfounded, as the Tatars invaded Russia repeatedly in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Another example of Russia's fear of invasion can be seen during the reign of Czar Alexander II in the 19th century. Alexander was known for modernizing Russia and bringing about religious peace. In 1864, he signed a religious peace treaty that allowed for greater religious freedom in Russia, which helped ease tensions between religious groups. Russia was previously invaded by Napoleon in 1812, leading to a devastating defeat for the Russian army under Alexander I.

Even in modern times, Russia's fear of invasion remains a significant factor in its politics and culture. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia faced substantial economic and political turmoil, leading to a rise in nationalism and a renewed focus on the country's history. This focus on history has led to the emergence of figures such as Alexander Dugin, a controversial political philosopher who promotes a "Eurasian" ideology that seeks to unite Russia with its former Soviet neighbours.

Dugin's ideas have influenced the worldview of many Russians, particularly the younger generation, who see themselves as part of a distinct civilization under threat from the West. Dugin has argued that the West wants to break up the Russian Federation and has called for a return to traditional values and a rejection of Western-style democracy.

This fear of Western influence has been exacerbated by Russia's recent history. Many Russians feel the West treated Russia as a defeated nation after the Cold War, leading to economic and political instability. This has led to a renewed focus on Russian identity and a rejection of Western-style democracy.

Russia's fear of invasion is deeply ingrained in its culture and history. From the Tatar invasions of the 16th century to the multinational invasion after World War I, Russia has faced repeated threats from foreign powers. This fear has been amplified by recent events, including the rise of nationalism and the influence of figures like Alexander Dugin. While Russia has had brief periods of democracy, its authoritarian past and fear of invasion suggest that it will continue to be a complex and challenging partner on the global stage.

Should the West ask the question: Was the Russian Federation treated as a defeated Nation after the Cold War, and are there any parallels to the Treaty of Versailles and the German treatment after WW 1? Did the West miss the opportunity to develop Russia into a democracy before Putin?

Saturday, March 25, 2023

No Bail equals Chaos


The effects of no bail and how crime has risen as a result have been a significant concern for many communities across the United States. In recent years, many states have implemented no-bail policies, which allow defendants to be released from jail without having to post bail. This has been done to reduce overcrowding in jails and to reduce the financial burden of bail on defendants. However, the effects of no-bail policies have been far-reaching and significantly impacted crime rates.

Studies have shown that no-bail policies have led to an increase in crime. This is because when defendants are released without having to post bail, they are more likely to commit additional crimes. This is because they are not held accountable for their actions and are not required to remain in jail until their trial. As a result, they are more likely to commit additional crimes while out on the streets. In addition to increased crime, no-bail policies have also harmed the criminal justice system. Without bail, defendants are likelier to miss court dates and fail to appear for their trials. This can lead to a backlog of cases in the court system, which can lead to delays in justice.
Furthermore, when defendants fail to appear for their trials, they are more likely to be convicted of the charges against them, which can lead to longer sentences. No-bail policies have also harmed public safety. When defendants are released without having to post bail, they are more likely to commit additional crimes while on the streets. This can lead to an increase in violent crime, as well as an increase in property crime. Furthermore, when defendants are released without having to post bail, they are more likely to re-offend, which can lead to a rise in recidivism. The effects of no-bail policies have been far-reaching and significantly impacted crime rates. While these policies have been implemented to reduce overcrowding in jails and to reduce the financial burden of bail on defendants, they have hurt public safety and the criminal justice system. As a result, states must consider the potential consequences of no-bail policies before implementing them.