Saturday, April 1, 2023

Triggernometry Part 2 (The first joint position)


Proper trigger finger placement is essential when shooting accurately and consistently. The most common technique is to place the index finger pad on the trigger. However, there is an argument that using the first joint of the trigger finger, known as the "joint position," is superior. This article will explore why the joint position might be better for shooters looking to improve their accuracy and precision.

First, let's define the two positions. The pad position involves placing the index finger pad on the trigger, typically in the center of the pad. This is the most commonly used technique and is often taught to beginners. The joint position, on the other hand, involves placing the index finger's first joint on the trigger. This position is less common but has been used by experienced shooters for years.

So why might the joint position be superior? One of the main arguments is that it allows for better trigger control. When using the pad position, it's easy to inadvertently pull the trigger to the side, resulting in an inaccurate shot. This is because the pad of the finger is relatively large, making it more challenging to maintain a consistent grip on the trigger. In contrast, the joint position allows for a more precise and controlled pull, as the smaller joint provides a more focused point of contact with the trigger.

Another advantage of the joint position is that it can help reduce trigger jerks. Trigger jerk is a common problem where the shooter unintentionally jerks the trigger, resulting in a less accurate shot. The joint position can reduce this by providing a more stable grip on the trigger. Using the first joint, the shooter can maintain consistent pressure on the trigger without inadvertently jerking it.

Additionally, the joint position can be more comfortable for some shooters. The pad position can be uncomfortable for those with larger hands or longer fingers, as it can cause the finger to stretch unnaturally. The joint position allows for a more natural grip and can be more comfortable for those with larger hands.

It's worth noting that the joint position does require some practice to master. It can initially feel awkward, and some shooters may need to adjust their grip or finger placement to find the most comfortable and practical position. However, with practice and patience, many shooters find that the joint position significantly improves accuracy and consistency.

While the pad position is the most commonly used technique for trigger finger placement, the joint position may be a superior choice for shooters looking to improve their accuracy and precision. It allows for better trigger control, reduces trigger jerks, and makes some shooters more comfortable. While it may take some practice to master, the benefits of the joint position make it a technique worth considering for anyone looking to improve their shooting skills.



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